Will Grier to Provide Scholarships to Black Student-Athletes at Local High School
After a month or so of protests taking place all throughout the country and even the world to stand up against police brutality and social injustice, Panthers quarterback Will Grier is ready to help be a part of the change that is needed in this country.
Grier has launched "Be the Change", which will provide scholarships to Black student-athletes at West Charlotte High School. For students to qualify for the scholarship, they will need a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a college acceptance letter, according to the team's website.
"I think in our country right now, we all are demanding change," Grier said. "I'm just trying to use my platform to spread love and try to be the change."
"I have a platform with my job and what I do, but I'm also a parent who's raising kids that hopefully know right from wrong and know good from evil, do the right things and good things," Grier said. "I need to do a good job of explaining that, but not just using words, but using actions.
"You won't see me say a whole lot, but behind the scenes, I'm always doing stuff to fight evil, preach good, and spread love," Grier said. "There's a lot of things in the works because I'm constantly thinking about it. So without getting specific on certain things, it's more so just a constant battle every day of doing what's right and taking action."
To make a contribution to the scholarship fund, you can visit Grier's "Be the Change" Go Fund Me page here.
What do you think of Will Grier using his platform to advocate for change? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!
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